IPD 2002: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Integrated Product Development, Magdeburg, Germany, 19.-20.09.2002
Year: 2002
Editor: Vajna, S.
Since 1996 the Chair of Information Technologies in Mechanical Engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sándor Vajna), organises the series of bi-annual Workshops on Integrated Product Development (IPD). Today, the IPD Workshops are events endorsed by the Design Society.
Issues discussed at the IPD Workshops are human aspects of IPD, method views on IPD, organisational aspects, technology, industrial & product design.
The papers of the IPD Workshops since 2002 are available for the members of the Design Society for download.
Table of Contents
A French Approach to Teaching Project Management
Stal-Le Cardinal, J.; Bocquet, J.-C. -
Classification of Design Research Documents
McMahon, C.; Culley, S.; Lowe, A. -
Competences of an engineer - projects and competences in education
van Kollenburg, P.; Kater, K.; Geraedts, H. -
Costs of rapid prototyping applications
Brockop, S. -
Experiences and results of IPD educationat the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Varga, A.; Bercsey, T. -
Feature reconstruction for freeform surface design
Song, Y.; Vergeest, J.S.M.; Dumitrescu, R. -
Investment casting based on different RP-models
Roßbach, J.-S. -
Methodical Framework and Examplesof an Environmental Innovative Product Development
Rosemann, B.; Meerkamm, H. -
Product Development On The Fast Track
Burchardt, C.; Göttsch, N. -
Product development: a postgraduate approach
Medland, A.J. -
Research on Dynamic Systems – Some Considerations
Björk, E.; Ottosen, S. -
The application of 3d-digitalization for the developmentof medical instruments
Schwarz, R.; Kluge, R. -
What shall engineers be taught about product development?
Andreasen, M. M.